Ap Bio Score Calculator

AP Bio Score Calculator

AP Bio Score Calculator

Ap Bio Score Calculator Formula


  1. Calculate Weighted Scores:
    • Multiple Choice (MCQ) contributes 50% of the total score.
    • Free Response (FRQ) contributes 50% of the total score.
    MCQ Weighted Score = (MCQ Score/60)×50(\text{MCQ Score} / 60) \times 50(MCQ Score/60)×50
    FRQ Weighted Score = (FRQ Score/40)×50(\text{FRQ Score} / 40) \times 50(FRQ Score/40)×50
  2. Calculate Total Score:Total Score=MCQ Weighted Score+FRQ Weighted Score\text{Total Score} = \text{MCQ Weighted Score} + \text{FRQ Weighted Score}Total Score=MCQ Weighted Score+FRQ Weighted Score
  3. Determine Final AP Score:
    • 5: Total Score ≥ 90
    • 4: 75 ≤ Total Score < 90
    • 3: 60 ≤ Total Score < 75
    • 2: 45 ≤ Total Score < 60
    • 1: Total Score < 45

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